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Services > Repeat Prescriptions

Regular patients of this Practice can now arrange a telephone consultation to discuss their medication needs and repeats may be issued without the need for face to face consultation.

In cases of acute need, repeat prescriptions are available by making a brief bulk-billed appointment. No repeat prescriptions can be issued unless a normal consultation has occurred within the two months prior to the request. For non-urgent prescriptions, 24 hours notice may be required for their preparation. 

These repeat prescriptions requiring a normal appointment:

  • More than 3 items at one time
  • Medication requiring a written or telephone authorisation
  • S4 medications (most pain killers)
  • Anxiety control medications such as Valium
  • Patients’ family members.

Receptionists will require the name of the medication, the dose and the timing of use during the day to allow accurate preparation of the prescription.

The prescriptions cannot be supplied to any person other than the patient themselves.

There is a $20 charge for all patients for prescriptions if the doctor is not consulted. Patients are urged to attend their usual doctor for a full consultation where possible.

No repeat medications will be issued for any new patient requesting tranquillizers (e.g. Valium, Serepax, Xanax) or pain killers (e.g. Endone, Targin, Norspan, Durogesic and Codeine containing products).

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